Ever feel like you're trapped in a tech giant's web of deception? Buckle up, because my recent experience with Amazon Music is a masterclass in dark patterns and sneaky tactics that'll make your head spin!

The "Free" Gift That Wasn't

It all started innocently enough:

  1. I bought a pair of headphones on Amazon.
  2. Amazon emailed me a "gift" - 3 months of Amazon Music for free. Sweet, right? I signed up.

The Upgrade Ambush

  1. Visiting the Amazon Music website, I was bombarded with banners pushing me to upgrade to the Family plan. I carefully clicked "No Thanks."
  2. Later, on another device, those same banners appeared... and vanished before I could decline!
  3. Suddenly, an email from Amazon thanked me for subscribing to the Family plan. Wait, what?!

The Disappearing Cancel Button

  1. I rushed to https://www.amazon.com/music/settings?language=en_US to cancel, but... no Cancel button in sight! I could only CHANGE my plan, not cancel it.
  2. Frustrated, I downgraded from Family to Individual. Amazon's response? "Your 3-month free gift is gone, and you'll be charged next month." Gee, thanks.

Customer Support Roulette

  1. Fed up, I contacted Amazon customer support. The first rep? Useless. The second one? Finally understood and canceled my plan.
  2. I checked the settings page again - subscriptions gone. Victory, right? Wrong.

The Stealth Renewal

  1. Returning to the Amazon Music website, I made a shocking discovery: simply reloading the page counted as agreeing to renew my subscription!
  2. Back to customer support I went. They canceled the plan again and claimed to have disabled the sneaky auto-renew "feature."

The Infuriating Reality

Throughout this ordeal, I had ZERO control over: