Ph.D. Candidate

Tepper School of Business

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

<aside> 🎉 Hi! I’m interested in Generative AI (GenAI) with a special focus on Large Language Models (LLMs). I’ve built apps and websites based on LLMs, and I enjoy studying their behavior from a human psychology perspective (you can call it the “psychology of AI”). I also study eXplainable AI (XAI) and its economic implications for consumers and firms. Recently, I developed an XAI method to help interpret LLM outputs (see papers ↓). The methods I use include game theory, machine learning, and natural language modeling.



<aside> 👨🏻‍🍳 I’m cooking! Stay tuned for some secret sauce 🥫 to be revealed soon! My Google Scholar:


🥘 Working Papers

Human Bounded Rationality in Structural Econometric Models

🍜 Preprint/Submitted

😋 Accepted/Published

Programming and LLM Experience

In my free time, I read about programming languages (Haskell, Elixir), Vim, and AI. I get passionate about our relation to technology (esp. LLMs) and I also blog about my workflow customizations.


I’m one of the contributors to, the most popular open-source LLM engine in the world (+48k ⭐ on Github). It’s the software that powers several LLM apps such as,, and

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